Renovation Updates for July 5th
The Great Renovation detail work this past week included installation of the kitchen sink, baseboard in the stair tower, desk tops in the office, teens room, kitchen and bookcases on both the first and second floors. Electricians continued installing power and internet outlets and the mechanical crew worked on the mechanical controls. Temperatures and humidity
Renovation Updates 6/22/24
The list of work to complete at The Great Renovation grows shorter by the day! This week major milestones of energizing the mechanical heat pump systems and lighting control systems were two of the focuses. The heat pump system is now active and producing 70 degree temperatures during this weeks’ heat wave! The system is
Renovation Updates for 6/1
{Click through for image updates!} Work is narrowing down on the Great Renovation as finish painting continues, handrail installation in the stair tower continues along with beginning to apply finish to the handrails and completion of the first-floor finishing. Protective covering has been installed over the first floor for duration of the work. Sanding of
Renovation Updates 5/24
{Click through for picture updates!} As we approach Memorial Weekend, The Great Renovation continues towards the finish line with interior painting, hardwood flooring repairs, begin sanding hardwood floors in preparation for finishing, installing maple cap on stair tower walls and hanging doors and installing hardware. Carpeting is being installed in the first floor children’s room
Renovation Updates 5/3
The Great Renovation edges ever closer to the finish line this week with finish painting of door frames, window frames, ceiling trim with crown molding, exterior siding on the south side and bathrooms. Trim is being installed around the elevator doors at each landing, maple trim is being installed around windows and first floor hardwood
Renovation Updates 4/28
Progressing toward the finish line, the Great Renovation continues this week with exterior siding preparations for finish painting and final caulking. With warmer weather on the rise finish painting of siding will begin soon. Fiber optic cabling for internet service was installed from the utility pole into the interior network interface. Painting of ceilings and