Renovation updates 3/30

The Great Renovation continues this week with completion of the exterior siding on the stair/elevator tower east side where heat pumps will be located in addition to exterior caulking of new windows in the ’67 addition and south addition. The new storefront window and door framing installation on the north entrance vestibule is progressing. Interior drywall taping and spackling continues with final sanding beginning in preparation for finish painting. Second floor historic library metal pan ceiling installation has begun, interior fixed window openings have been measured for glazing and final measurements for new bookshelves has been completed. Heating system piping in the basement to tie all of the first and second floor piping into the boiler room is in progress. Our first move-in planning meeting was held Wednesday afternoon with details of move in schedule to be provided in the near future!

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Now in our Library of Things!

(items with an  * are in-library use only):




Android Tablet


Sewing Machine*


Button Maker*

Green Screen

3-D Printer*


Owl camera*


Heat Press


Baby Carrier (back pack)


Wi-fi Free Tablets for Kid

Dash Robot

Indi Robot

Portable Power Station

Moisture Meter


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