
What's new in YA!

Click the button below to search the catalog, scroll down to see what’s new and to get info about TAG (our Teen Advisory Group).

What's New

Books that have hit the shelves this month.

TAG you're IT!

Join TAG, our teen advisory group.

The Teen Advisory Group is for kids 11 & up to give input for library programs and collections, to have their own special events and activities, and to contribute to their local community. AND TO EAT PIZZA.
Teens are great for their fresh ideas, energy and opinions! They are our future library supporters and community organizers!
Just for ages 11 and up. 
Dates will be posted on Facebook, Instagram and Front Porch Forum. TAG meets once a month.
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Now in our Library of Things!

(items with an  * are in-library use only):




Android Tablet


Sewing Machine*


Button Maker*

Green Screen

3-D Printer*


Owl camera*


Heat Press


Baby Carrier (back pack)


Wi-fi Free Tablets for Kid

Dash Robot

Indi Robot

Portable Power Station

Moisture Meter


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