For the kids

Library services that target children from birth through teenage years.

Preschool Storytime – Children learn so many life and social skills by participating in story time. Storytime also broadens their vocabulary and their horizons.

Summer reading program – a way to encourage school children to read during their summer vacation, use the library and develop the habit of reading. Craft programs, music, story times, live performers, games and prizes.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program – Because public formal education does not typically start until age five or six, parents and caregivers play a critical role as their child’s first teacher during those early years of birth through five. Research demonstrates that young children who are read to on a regular basis have an advantage when learning to read for themselves.

New in Picture Books

New in Junior Fiction

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Now in our Library of Things!

(items with an  * are in-library use only):




Android Tablet


Sewing Machine*


Button Maker*

Green Screen

3-D Printer*


Owl camera*


Heat Press


Baby Carrier (back pack)


Wi-fi Free Tablets for Kid

Dash Robot

Indi Robot

Portable Power Station

Moisture Meter


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