GIVE NOW and Help Us Reach Our Goal!!

Your generous support will help outfit our new Library with the best furnishings and technology.

Gifts to XXXX are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law. Our 501(c)3 ID number is .

 Make a Legacy Gift. To make a lasting impact in your community, include the following bequest language in your will or trust: “I give and bequeath unto the Friends of the Fletcher Free Library, tax ID #XXXXXX, the sum of $___ to be used for general charitable purposes.” To plan your Legacy, contact:

  1. Via a donation of stocks/shares or by donating to our endowment, please contact XXXX at XXX

You can help XXXXX fund its mission while avoiding taxes by donating stock directly to them in minutes!

  • Avoid capital gains tax: 18.8-38% you’d pay if you sold the stock
  • Get a bigger deduction by making a pre-tax contribution
  • Nonprofit keeps the money you would have paid the IRS

It’s safe, easy and there is no cost to donate stock.


Donations of cash are always welcome. Cash provides a benefit to the XXXX that can be put to work immediately.

Contributions can be made as a lump sum or as monthly or quarterly payments by check, Visa or Master Card. Click here to donate online.

Become a Sustaining Member by making recurring monthly, quarterly, or annual donation. 

Since the XXXX is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, cash donations may provide a tax deduction in the current year, depending on your circumstances. Please consult your tax advisor.

Life Insurance

There are several ways to make gifts of life insurance.

Designate the XXXX as Your Beneficiary

In addition to family or friends as beneficiaries, you can designate the XXXX as a beneficiary of a lump sum or percentage of the proceeds from your life insurance policy. You can do this for a term life policy that may be offered by your employer, or for a life insurance policy that you have purchased.

This option may be appropriate if you want to retain the right to revoke the gift at a future date. You can make the designation by updating your choice of beneficiaries on your insurance company’s beneficiary designation form.

While naming the XXXX as beneficiary does not constitute a deductible charitable contribution, your estate may receive a charitable deduction for that portion of the benefit going to the XXXX.

Transfer Ownership of Life Insurance

You can contribute a paid-up life insurance policy to the XXXX by transferring ownership of the policy to the XXXX. If you transfer ownership, you do not retain the right to revoke the gift. However, you may become eligible to receive a charitable income tax deduction, subject to AGI limits, equal to the policy’s fair market value or the net premiums you have paid, whichever is less. 

In Your Will

A gift to the South Hero Library XXXX in your will is the easiest and most common method of making a planned gift, and as a charitable bequest it may be deductible when calculating estate taxes. There is no limit on the amount of a charitable deduction. You can give a designated amount or percentage of your estate outright; you can leave a remainder of your estate after it has provided support to a spouse or other heirs; or you can leave a bequest as a contingency if other beneficiaries do not survive you.

From Your Retirement Plan

Name the XXXX as the Beneficiary of Your IRA, 401k or 403B Plan

Unlike other inheritances that can be passed to heirs free of income tax, the distributions from inherited non-ROTH IRAs are generally taxable as ordinary income to the person who receives them. By designating the XXXX as a beneficiary, your heirs will not pay tax on the amount. The XXXX will receive the full benefit of your contribution, and while your estate will need to include the value of the assets as part of the gross estate, it will receive a tax deduction for the charitable contribution. 

Designate Your Retirement Plan’s Annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

If you are over a certain age, the IRS requires you to take annual, taxable distributions (withdrawals) from your non-ROTH retirement account — a provision known as the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Up to a certain amount, these distributions may be made tax-free as long as you utilize the Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) feature and direct the distribution to a qualified 501(c) 3 such as the XXXX. You can designate your QCD for current Library use or to build the Sustainability Fund. Simply let us know your intentions. 

Real Estate

There are several ways to give real estate to the XXXX:

Outright Gift of Real Estate

An outright gift made immediately can maximize the income tax charitable deduction and remove the property from the donor’s taxable estate. 

Simple Bequest of Real Estate

By leaving real property to the XXXX in your will, you avoid the value of the property being included in your estate.

Gift with Retained Life Estate

A gift of a remainder interest in a house or farm deeds the property to the XXXX now, and retains your right to live in the residence for your remaining lifetime.

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Remainder Trust

You may donate cash or property during your lifetime, or upon death, to an irrevocable trust and direct that the trust makes a fixed payment (at least annually) to you and/or other beneficiaries for life or a specified term of not more than 20 years. The XXXX receives any remaining trust assets at end of the payment term. 

Charitable Lead Trust

You may donate cash or property to an irrevocable trust and direct that the trust makes a fixed payment (at least annually) to the XXXX for your lifetime or the lifetime of other beneficiaries, or for a fixed period. At the end of payment term, you or other beneficiaries receive any remaining trust property.

This site contains general information and does not constitute financial advice. The XXXX does not guarantee the accuracy of the information herein. Consult your attorney and/or tax advisor when developing your gift or estate plan.

The XXXX’s non-profit tax identification number is XXXXX

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Now in our Library of Things!

(items with an  * are in-library use only):




Android Tablet


Sewing Machine*


Button Maker*

Green Screen

3-D Printer*


Owl camera*


Heat Press


Baby Carrier (back pack)


Wi-fi Free Tablets for Kid

Dash Robot

Indi Robot

Portable Power Station

Moisture Meter


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