Renovation Updates for July 5th

The Great Renovation detail work this past week included installation of the kitchen sink, baseboard in the stair tower, desk tops in the office, teens room, kitchen and bookcases on both the first and second floors. Electricians continued installing power and internet outlets and the mechanical crew worked on the mechanical controls. Temperatures and humidity levels are stabilizing and providing a very comfortable environment! Fire extinguishers are installed, window blinds are installed in select areas and the front entrance flower bed has been planted!!

Molly and her crew are beginning to pack up history and biography sections currently located in the basement of the Briggs Carriage building in preparation for the move later this month.

The planning committee remains hard at work organizing the main move in August in preparation for the September 3rd opening at 4 Franklin Street, and September 15th Open House from 2 pm to 5 pm. The lights are shining at the end of the tunnel!!!

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Now in our Library of Things!

(items with an  * are in-library use only):




Android Tablet


Sewing Machine*


Button Maker*

Green Screen

3-D Printer*


Owl camera*


Heat Press


Baby Carrier (back pack)


Wi-fi Free Tablets for Kid

Dash Robot

Indi Robot

Portable Power Station

Moisture Meter


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